The truth honestly says a lot.

I'll keep this as brief as possible for today; Roses are red, Violets are pink, Does "truth serum" exist, 

What do you think? Truth serum could be the greatest vaccine of all time, given its existance, can

anyone prove it's real though? Regardless, I will NEVER get vaccinated for anything ever again, that

includes that "C-19" word, and even for the flu. Too many innocent people died because of that "so-

called" vaccine back during the damn--demic, I will never again take any chances with my health,

life is still too fragile and important. We were never warned or even alerted to any other vaccines that

we took during our lives, but healthcare was sadly never as political as during the recent damn--demic

of 2020 to even still now in 2024. It's all about "Agenda 2030" as we inch towards January 1st of that

year and new decade. I will return to this topic and blog in the weeks to come, please stay happy and 

safe; plus, remain positive and strong, take care, bye for now from Central Canada; freedom and peace.  


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