
The Truth About Me.

It may be very early on this Thursday morning, Eastern Daylight Time, however, since I was still here, I felt that it was very important to start blogging again. I've had a trying time lately; physically and mentally, however I'm back, at least once for this week. Given my YouTube history since returning to the platform in 2020 during thee damndemic of this 21st century, I've met the good and bad people still out there, thankfully many more good than bad/narcissistic/etc. I am who I am, online AND offline, if you don't like me, it's your loss, NOT mine, I may remain hurt for a while and even feel used; however, I move on like everybody else. Times remain disheartening and frustrating; post-damndemic?, however, I'm still here too and surviving in this crazy world as best as possible. I'm NOT going to change for anyone except myself, but as I grow older and hopefully wiser, I remain set in my ways and true to myself and my feelings and thoughts about other peo

Let The Truth Finally Be Known, or to the politicians, Save Yourselves from Further Embarassment and Problems, to be continued.....

T R U T H!!!!!  

What is "Thee" Truth?

I  truly believe that this world would be so much better if there was something called the "universal truth", one truth and one truth ONLY . I am fed up with the info wars that continue to exist in today's society,  ALL  that wars were ever meant to do was divide conquer and kill innocent people. Where do we go from here? We all need to govern ourselves accordingly, because the higher ups ONLY care about themselves. We as a free society must continue to look after ourselves and each other as best as possible, that is the ONLY way to "beat the system" so to speak. As I conclude this post for today, opinions are one thing, but without 100% honesty within the good of society, we will never ALL be universally truly good people. Maybe our biggest war remains against hate and propaganda, can we win?, time will tell that tale. 

What Fuels Dishonesty?

Negativity----Anger----Jealousy----Power----Greed----HATE----Abuse----Tyranny----Narcissism----Ego How do we as a free society solve all of this?, truthfully, there's only ONE way, SELF-Governance, as in America; "We The People", and here in Canada; "We Stand On Guard For Thee". I hope to delve more deeply into this next week, lastly for now, WE as "Freedom Warriors"; our fight must continue and persist until there are NO other alternatives left, WE need to take our native homelands back, if we don't, change will NEVER occur the way that WE want it to, in the meantime, have a wonderful freedom weekend.  

What's Up Doc?

The greatest health remedy of all time?, maybe, maybe not, "truth serum". "Father, I cannot tell a lie". Well, apparently even doctors and other medical "pros" have also been lying to us for years, they are "pill pushers" ONLY if nothing else, that also makes me sick, especially in this day of age in the 21st century when we ALL deserve "thee truth, thee whole truth and nothing but thee truth". Those whom have NOT awoken to what's really going on, you better wake up FAST. All I know is being 50+ years old as of today, and now knowing that I've been brainwashed and lied to my entire life, what a real waste, that really makes me angry. Even if it takes me another 50 years to know ALL truths out there, then so be it. Doctors have also deceived us for years, all in the name of greed, power and money. People have still died because of medical errors, malpractice, negligence, need I say more to this effect? Bugs Bunny, this is NO and