The Truth Tells A Lot.

Two words that the majority of Canadians are familiar with are "residential schools", sadly, but in all 

honesty. September 30th, known as "The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation", for the past 

decade, marks a very tragic period in Canada's 157 year history. Past governments should be ashamed 

of themselves for allowing such an atrocity to occur, to have even thought about such awful acts is sad 

enough. Wearing orange has come to symbolize all the lost children who were forced to attend these 

institutions of hell, they were preyed upon in such evil and sick ways, and many were killed for not 

becoming accustomed to what a so-called "real" Canadian citizen represented during that time. Never 

again I hope and pray that this country is faced with such abhorent and horrific behaviour. The details 

surrounding these deaths are so grotesque that those that know the truth about what happened in these 

so-called "schools" don't need to have it repeated to them here. The honesty also lies in the fact that 

you cannot change history, you can only learn from it and never duplicate such depraved mistakes and 

injustices, especially to free and innocent children, they were our nations' future, but they were taken 

away from family and friends forcefully and without any justification or morality. The First Nations 

and all traditional peoples alike founded and have lived off this land for hundreds, if not thousands of 

years, long long before Canada entered into confederation on July 1st, 1867. Under God or your 

chosen Higher Power, we are all created and are to be treated equally, but because of historic 

discriminatory racial practices that continue in the 21st century, I as a longtime writer/blogger/author 

and lifetime Canadian citizen fear that these mindsets and trends of hate and bigotry will never end, but 

with faith and hope come perseverance and fortitude. In closing, always remember history, good and 

bad, and regarding negativity, don't allow it to consume you or your being; we must all forever remain 

positive and strong for our future generations, stay free and peaceful. Lest we forget all the fallen souls.   


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