
In all honesty.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve Canada, I felt that I had to post to this blog again this evening, mainly  because these truth posts seem to get the most views of all of my work, but because nowadays perhaps  more than ever before in my lifetime, certain people are so terribly afraid of the truth, and I don't know  how they can live with themselves. Indeed, sometimes the truth hurts, but it's for everyones' own good  in the long run, whether they agree or not. I would probably be even more honest with specific people,  but I'm not the assertive type, plus I try to avoid anger and resentment as much as possible. I will never  name anyone specific here, especially behind their backs, and especially if they don't support me and  my creative endeavours in the worlds of literature and words. I don't care if the person is narcissistic or  whatever other negative traits seem to have overtaken their personalities over time, but hiding from the  truth is even worse. No one person

The Truth Tells A Lot.

Two words that the majority of Canadians are familiar with are "residential schools", sadly, but in all  honesty. September 30th, known as "The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation", for the past  decade, marks a very tragic period in Canada's 157 year history. Past governments should be ashamed  of themselves for allowing such an atrocity to occur, to have even thought about such awful acts is sad  enough. Wearing orange has come to symbolize all the lost children who were forced to attend these  institutions of hell, they were preyed upon in such evil and sick ways, and many were killed for not  becoming accustomed to what a so-called "real" Canadian citizen represented during that time. Never  again I hope and pray that this country is faced with such abhorent and horrific behaviour. The details  surrounding these deaths are so grotesque that those that know the truth about what happened in these  so-called "schools" don't need to

The Truth Is.....

I know that us and this world aren't, nor will we ever be perfect, but we can all still strive to be better to  each other, no matter what struggles we face or anything else negative. I indeed would've failed  psychology if I had ever taken it in school, but to this day I still don't fully understand peoples'  attitudes and behaviours towards each other. When we all turned to YouTube and still newer social  media back in 2020, including myself, during thee damn-demic of our lives, we all wanted some  happiness and positivity to shine through again, however, even yours truly still came across people that  displayed those common narcissistic qualities sadly, and I/we needed to terminate those relationships, I  indeed did, even if it took longer for me to see through those types of people. Why hide behind a  computer or mobile device and take out your frustrations on those who may be naive and even  vulnerable like myself?, because you thought you could more easily manipul

The Truth About Me.

It may be very early on this Thursday morning, Eastern Daylight Time, however, since I was still here, I felt that it was very important to start blogging again. I've had a trying time lately; physically and mentally, however I'm back, at least once for this week. Given my YouTube history since returning to the platform in 2020 during thee damndemic of this 21st century, I've met the good and bad people still out there, thankfully many more good than bad/narcissistic/etc. I am who I am, online AND offline, if you don't like me, it's your loss, NOT mine, I may remain hurt for a while and even feel used; however, I move on like everybody else. Times remain disheartening and frustrating; post-damndemic?, however, I'm still here too and surviving in this crazy world as best as possible. I'm NOT going to change for anyone except myself, but as I grow older and hopefully wiser, I remain set in my ways and true to myself and my feelings and thoughts about other peo

Let the truth finally be known, to all the politicians, to be continued.....

T R U T H!!!!!