
The 35th anniversary of the Ecole Polytechnique (Montreal) Massacre.

I'll be as brief as possible on this topic today; but on this National Day against Violence Against Women here in Canada, these acts of cowardice and repugnation must stop. 14 innocent women were murdered by a demented Marc Lepine, who legally purchased a weapon; and then committed mass slaughter, whether he was simply mentally ill, or he resented the idea of equality for women. It's yet another sensitive topic surrounding gun control laws, even in America, but violence against women must cease to exist, once and for all. I have never been tempermental or violent in my entire life, so I could never accept or condone this senseless behaviour. I have a previous composition titled; "Ribbons --Remembrance or Defiance", which shares my opinion and view on wearing coloured ribbons on such sad occasions as these; however, please show respect and wear your purple or white ribbons on this day to remember all women that have been the victims of acts of harsh aggression and viol...

Who Killed J.F.K.?

Hello truth-ers and freedom fighters, how are you?  On this tragic, yet still contreversial 61st  anniversary of JFK's assassination, when will we finally know the truth about what really happened?, and the countless theories behind the Presidents' murder on this day in Dallas 61 years ago. Theories quite frankly are not based on truth, only hypotheticals and assumptions in my opinion. Why was JFK murdered that fateful Friday? We've all come to know that all those files for this case will be hidden from the general public for 75 years, what is the government hiding that they don't want us to know  about everything behind that killing in particular?, other American Presidents and nominees have been taken out, but even their stories have never been as big as the ones behind who killed JFK, and why? I refuse to speculate or delve any further into this today, but the mystery remains, until next time.  

The truth honestly says a lot.

I'll keep this as brief as possible for today; Roses are red, Violets are pink, Does "truth serum" exist,  What do you think? Truth serum could be the greatest vaccine of all time, given its existance, can anyone prove it's real though? Regardless, I will NEVER get vaccinated for anything ever again, that includes that "C-19" word, and even for the flu. Too many innocent people died because of that "so- called" vaccine back during the damn--demic, I will never again take any chances with my health, life is still too fragile and important. We were never warned or even alerted to any other vaccines that we took during our lives, but healthcare was sadly never as political as during the recent damn--demic of 2020 to even still now in 2024. It's all about "Agenda 2030" as we inch towards January 1st of that year and new decade. I will return to this topic and blog in the weeks to come, please stay happy and  safe; plus, remain positive an...

In all honesty.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve Canada, I felt that I had to post to this blog again this evening, mainly  because these truth posts seem to get the most views of all of my work, but because nowadays perhaps  more than ever before in my lifetime, certain people are so terribly afraid of the truth, and I don't know  how they can live with themselves. Indeed, sometimes the truth hurts, but it's for everyones' own good  in the long run, whether they agree or not. I would probably be even more honest with specific people,  but I'm not the assertive type, plus I try to avoid anger and resentment as much as possible. I will never  name anyone specific here, especially behind their backs, and especially if they don't support me and  my creative endeavours in the worlds of literature and words. I don't care if the person is narcissistic or  whatever other negative traits seem to have overtaken their personalities over time, but hiding from the  truth is even ...

The Truth Tells A Lot.

Two words that the majority of Canadians are familiar with are "residential schools", sadly, but in all  honesty. September 30th, known as "The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation", for the past  decade, marks a very tragic period in Canada's 157 year history. Past governments should be ashamed  of themselves for allowing such an atrocity to occur, to have even thought about such awful acts is sad  enough. Wearing orange has come to symbolize all the lost children who were forced to attend these  institutions of hell, they were preyed upon in such evil and sick ways, and many were killed for not  becoming accustomed to what a so-called "real" Canadian citizen represented during that time. Never  again I hope and pray that this country is faced with such abhorent and horrific behaviour. The details  surrounding these deaths are so grotesque that those that know the truth about what happened in these  so-called "schools" don't need to...