The Truth Is.....
I know that us and this world aren't, nor will we ever be perfect, but we can all still strive to be better to each other, no matter what struggles we face or anything else negative. I indeed would've failed psychology if I had ever taken it in school, but to this day I still don't fully understand peoples' attitudes and behaviours towards each other. When we all turned to YouTube and still newer social media back in 2020, including myself, during thee damn-demic of our lives, we all wanted some happiness and positivity to shine through again, however, even yours truly still came across people that displayed those common narcissistic qualities sadly, and I/we needed to terminate those relationships, I indeed did, even if it took longer for me to see through those types of people. Why hide behind a computer or mobile device and take out your frustrations on those who may be naive and even vulnerable like myself?, because you thought y...